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Re: super series wheelslip control

"Rod [comtrain]" <freight_man@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >
> > Why did they ballast in the "Rat holes" Between Zig Zag & Edgecombe
> > reguarding super series for Hmmmmm. Come all you experts see who
> > answer this?.
> No idea what you are talking about :o(((
> but if you are talking about holes in the decking, more than two sleepers
> apart, I would presume it was because the radar was temporarily unable to
> read "real" speed of locomotive to balance against the actual speed of
> axle. Their is a small allowance made, to account for some misses, but
> is limited.This would only be a problem on a heavy ruling grade. ;o)  [
> how close was I, and I am not an expert, just an ex- user]
The "rat holes" is the section through the 10 tunnels near Lithgow where the
track was laid on mass concrete to minimise maintenance as it is difficult
to access the area, except by train.
Chris Stratton
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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