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Re: Woomera -


Tezza <tezza2000@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
> "Roy Wilke" <roywilke@notabitlikeanisp.net.au> wrote in message
> news:lFoq6.17$NZ2.717909@news.interact.net.au...
> | "Rod [comtrain]" <freight_man@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> | > say we can assume that there are 10,000 illegal immigrants heading for
> | > Australia [Q jumpers regardless]
> | > Lets invite them all to live here, in fact we can help them avoid the
> sea
> | > journey
> |
> | (big snippage)
> |
> | Most illegal immigrants do avoid the sea journey. They fly into the
> country,
> | from originating nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom
> | New Zealand, and 'forget' to go home when their visa runs out.

kick the basdards out or lock em up.
> |
> | Yep, most illegal immigrants to Australia are white, and are of European
> | heritage.
> Who cares, whatever their colour, creed, nationality, religion or country
> origin, if they arrive here illegally, or stay illegally, kick them out.
yes and so we bloody well should.
they are Q jumpers whatever their colour, nationality etc etc

> | Oh, by the way, isn't there a line in the national anthem that says
> | "boundless wealth to share" with "those who come from across the seas" ?
> You can't tell the difference between a stupid song and reality?
no comment on that one, not familiar on that one.