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Re: [Vic] ALP urged to boost rail freight lines

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:12:44 +1100, Yuri J
Sos<steam4me@dingoblue.net.au> wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:33:56 +1100, "Paul Hambleton"
><P.Hambleton@bom.gov.au> wrote:
>>> Maryborough already has S.G. and any money would be best spent on
>>> converting Mildura to S.G. rather than adding a third and slower rail
>>> to Portland.
>I wonder if it would be cheaper to SG Mildura to Ouyen and build an SG
>line from Ouyen to Hopetoun to connect with the existing SG line

I think it would be cheaper and such a line has been planned for
decades but it may also result in the unfortunate closing of Dunolly
to Ouyen. Dunolly-Mildura standardisation is still the best way, I
think, because the rest of the system is going S.G., and, anyway, it
provides an alternate route to Tailem Bend - the more lines converted
to S.G., the more important it will become, IMHO.