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Re: Freight Australia not happy

Tezza <tezza2000@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
> "Chris Downs" <cvdowns@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> xoQg6.425$FU5.17123@ozemail.com.au">news:xoQg6.425$FU5.17123@ozemail.com.au...
> | It's dependent upon circumstances.  With a $400/fortnight mortgage that
> does
> | not attract GST (fees are negligible) I'm considerably better off than I
> was
> | before 1/7/00 courtesy of the tax cuts, removal of wholesale sales tax and
> the
> | introduction of the GST.
> |
> | If that $400 was spent on goods and/or services instead of a mortgage I'd
> be
> | worse off.  Of course if I could invest it I'd be better off again.
> Íf you weren't paying a mortgage you'd probably be paying rent - still no
> GST. When most people do their sums they forget that a very lkarge slice of
> their weekly expenditure is not subject to GST - mortgages, rent, hire
> purchase, food etc. And of course they conviently forget the tax cuts.

Landlords, their real estate agents and their accountants were making noises
that they would increase residential rents by 4 to 8% to cater for GST,
because if they're GST registered they're input taxed and if they're not
registered they are effectively treated in the same way as being input taxed.
I've seen no analysis of what actually happen to resid. rents however.  As for
me I was looking to the future (a very long way), a dischraged mortgage and
$400 extra in the wallet.

> | Still won't win Honest John this vote.
> Wanna pay more tax? Vote for Labor.

If tax were the only criteria I'd vote for Johhnie.  Too complex for that
though and Labor looks no better, I'll study the polls towards the end of the
year 1st.
