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412- was Re: the meaning of gunzel

Paul News wrote:

> I think the 412 thing came to the fore about the time of the publication of
> the New South Ales Digest in the late 1960s.

412 became popular mid-60s; it was firmly established well before Ales
Digest, although probably largely initiated by much the same people as
produced Ales Digest. 

The number 1080 was also in wide use, for reasons which escape me now.
It is strange that 412 has "stuck" while 1080 has not.

> There was also a wedding party using W2 412 and a railway enthusiast
> association in Victoria has a 412 post office box number.

And many other very visible references, e.g. photostops at
mileage/kilometre post 412 and tour trains numbered 412. Mileage 412 on
the Walgett line (near Bugilbone Bore, if I recall correctly) was a
particularly famed location for a photostop, since the milepost was the
only distinguishing feature in the whole landscape.

IIRC there was once a tour for which the fare was set at $4.12. Strange
to think that it would probably now cost more like $412.