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Re: SRA admits liability for rail crash

Too right. I don't expect them to work flawlessly. I expect them to work in
a reasonably responsible manner. I expect them to deliver a service. They
don't. They don't have proper procedure in place for dealing with commuters.

If everything worked properly I wouldn't complain at all, in fact, I'd be
asking in here why it was working so properly and congratulating those
responsible. I'd be praising them for the fantastic service. That's what I
really would like to do, but if the system is cactus then I'm not going to
heap false praise.

The SRA has inconvenienced me, fined me, shown what areseholes they can be
and generally don't deliver and is in obvious degradation (or have we
forgotten the pre Olympic scramble to bring it up to speed, that's now
declining again).

No, I won't shut up. Killfile me if it's bothering you. Thousands of others
will if you don't.

"Dave Proctor" <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> Ivan, I would shut up before you make an even more spectacular fool of
> yourself. "Double Jeopary?" [sic] Whatever you say, it is obvious to all
> sundry that you have a vendetta against State Rail over being done for
> evasion. If everything worked properly, you would probably complain that
> had nothing to complain about. A system the size of State Rail cannot be
> expected to work faultlessly - so get used to it.
> Dave