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Re: Record complaints for NSW rail services

Nathan Cox <nathan1@ihug.com.au> wrote in article

>Well if people didnt hold up the trains, maybe they'd run a bit
>better.How many times have I pulled into a station and the doors are
>about to close, and some fuckwit starts running down the stairs, so you
>hold the train by 30 seconds, well if the guard does that at a few
>stations then naturally the train will be late.

Simple, close the door, and signal the driver to proceed. Just because 
someone runs down the steps at the last second, he's not a "fuckwit" as you 
put it. He pays your wage, so you should learn a little respect. 

If your train is running behind scheduled time however, you have every 
right to close the doors and depart without him. He should have been there 
at the scheduled time.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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