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Re: Paralympics - by rail from Newcastle

In article <xDK2NluHBVGg-pn2-CSyoS7hmzpxZ@Office>,
  harris@nobbys.splat.spam.net.au (stephen) wrote:
> Went to the Paralympics by rail from Newcastle yesterday.
> Here is the good and the poor of it (from passenger perspective).
> Good trip down. Took 10 minutes to buy tickets at Broadmeadow for the
> 6.30 am train - but they had both ticket windows selling so everyone
> accepted that fine.
> After Gosford announcements were made that the train would now have an
> additional stop - at Concord West - and it was requested that people
> walk from there to Olympic Park. Sounded like good thinking on
> someone's part.

That should've been the case for all intercity services during any sort
of major event at Olympic Park. Don't know why they haven't done it
with the Paralympics timetable though. Not one single extra train
stopping at Concord West during this time, so everyone goes to
Strathfield instead.

|Hubert              hubert@imap4.com      |
|Public Transport Ticketing @              |
|http://members.optusnet.com.au/~kiwifruit |

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