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Re: Sydney Bus Olympic Fleet

pyeman <warpye@goconnect.net> wrote in article

>You take that sort of attitude on the bus with you and its no wonder the
>driver treats you like that. They are after all only human and deserve
>to be treated as such.

Of course Tezza is right. A bus driver should be conversant in customer 
service skills, many aren't. I jumped onto the 510 (Ivanhoe-Essendon) bus 
one day, carrying a large box in both hands and my Metcard between two 
fingers to show the driver. Very rudely, he spoke out "You're sposed to put 
that in the validator". My response was "How? You can see my hands are 
full". I proceeded to put the box on the seat, and THEN dunk my ticket into 
the validator. Unfortunately, past experience has gathered, many bus 
drivers are rude, inconsiderate pricks.

>Oh and I bet you will be the most vocal whinger when the bus doesn't
>show up. Boo-Hoo

And he has every right to. Everyone has a right to. Public transport is a 
service that should be run to the passengers requirements, not to have 
buses cancelled, short run, or run mega late for no reason.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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