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Re: Sydney Light Rail

yes it is a good idea as u could have a push pull system on one of the lines
for freight trains and still have the other for the tram because how many
movements a day do go down to white bay area?
> Tezza's got a good point. There are 2 lines (up & down) running into
> yard from the Goods Line at Wardell Rd Junction. There's hardly enough
> rail traffic to justify the 2 lines. Why not single line the goods and use
> the other for trams. If this were to occure, then trams could operate all
> the way up to a terminus at the Bankstown line. They could also branch of
> Summer Hill or Ashfield.
> There also another opertunity for the trams in this area. They could
> Balmain by going though Rozelle goods yard and down behind the White Bay
> docks. This would place a vast number of Balmain residence within walking
> distance of the tram line.
> Regards........Dino