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Re: Sydney Light Rail

Tezza wrote in message

>Just make it bi-directional and give each one a road.

Tezza's got a good point. There are 2 lines (up & down) running into Rozelle
yard from the Goods Line at Wardell Rd Junction. There's hardly enough heavy
rail traffic to justify the 2 lines. Why not single line the goods and use
the other for trams. If this were to occure, then trams could operate all
the way up to a terminus at the Bankstown line. They could also branch of to
Summer Hill or Ashfield.

There also another opertunity for the trams in this area. They could service
Balmain by going though Rozelle goods yard and down behind the White Bay
docks. This would place a vast number of Balmain residence within walking
distance of the tram line.
