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Re: [NSW]SRA billed $15m for airport link's shortfalls

"Chris Downs" <cvdowns@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

> I've seen a lot of people travel to the Airport from Penrith because it is
> extremely cost effective (about $15/person versus a $90 cab fare or
> $40/person for a minibus).  I suspect this is a city wide phenomenon.

Certainly the further you have to travel, the more attractive it
become is terms of straight cost saving, in that the cost of getting
to/from the originating station can be absorbed and still yield an
overall cost saving which adequately compensates for the change of
mode hassles etc.  However, that simply indicates that there will be
some point at which the cost saving starts to dominate other issues
and not that its any "city wide phenomenon".

> This is a true public transport versus the motor car test in
> many ways.

Since "public transport" includes things such as taxis and mini-buses
etc, it hard to see how that would be the case. Also, the issues for
long distance travellers are somewhat different to those facing

> It's too early to make a judgement about the line's stations success or
> failure (unless you need to generate media stories).  Figures at year 1 and
> year 2 will tell a more relevant story.

I agree.

