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Re: Travel patterns (was Re: New form of rail transportation)

Peter Berrett <pberrett@optushome.com.au> wrote in message

> 8. Shorter lines need to be extended. Ie extend Williamstown line
> (seriously - make it the terminus of a ring railway). If you have the $$$
> and the will to run the line under the bay  and through to the Dandenong
> line.

Of all the Melbourne suburban lines, the short Newport to Williamstown
is the hardest to justify, especially with the North Williamstown station
remote from the main shopping area off Ferguson St.   This is aggravated by
indirect (and slow) train service and the freeway nearby.

I can see several solutions:

1. Line closure, with replacement by frequent (10 min) buses to Newport.

2. Replacement of trains south of Newport with light rail, terminating at
the end of
Ferguson St or along Nelson Pl.   Ideally the tram line would be extended to
the city
to provide faster service to the CBD.   Maybe the line could cross the Yarra
south of
West Gate Bridge and run along Williamstown Rd until joining the 109 light
rail route.

3. Divert rail line underground and build a new station under Ferguson St
near Douglas St.
Expensive, and some areas lose service, so feeder buses would still be

If we had unlimited funds, I would prefer Option 2.   However, looking at
the problem in the
context of the whole metropolitan area, other projects (eg tram extensions
to rail stations,
better buses, rail to Rowville) would benefit more people at lower cost than
fixing Williamstown.
I must admit that even Option 1 looks attractive due to the small distances
involved, and the
railway not properly serving the main trip attractors in the area.
