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Re: ----The s-p-e-e-d of a train-----[ NSW]

OOOOOH got a bite :-)

Brown Family wrote:

> Hardly since I'm married with three daughters who would "pull the
> tail" on me if I came out with any MCP comments.

Very good.

> Now how about you?
> With a name like rasputin, don't you think it carries it's own
> connotations about male sexual domination?

Ah yes but I am a Railway Rasputin not THE Rasputin so it only works on
trains. :-)

> I suppose you think Broad Guage is all about insulting a fat woman on
> scales?
Good Joke pay that one. My girlfriend liked it too.
> >BTW I pulled the tail on the same driver, for the same reason when I was
> >a guard. It is also the same reason why that driver is no longer driving
> >trains. It seems as if she wasn't the only "lady back-seat driver".
> >
> Unless you're telepathic, or I've missed something, how do you know it
> was the same driver? 

Well there is a new method of comunicating. It is called "talking"and
basicly involves moving your mouth with sounds comming out. Secondry
forms of contact also include ICQ (my number is 27532246) and mailing
lists and the Aus.Rail NG.

Was it your "proudest moment" too?

NO. The prodest moment was getting CHUBB security guards sacked but
thats another story.
> And I certainly didn't say that only ladies can be back seat drivers.

True there are many male ones too.
> BTW, why doesn't anyone complain about FEMALE chauvanist pigs? Seems
> like you could condemn the whole feminist movement with that title.

I do using the term "fembots" but when I do I make the point of not
generalising. Granted sometimes I slip up and do but everyone makes
If your origional post was as a joke, I do appoligise but there was no
:-) in your msg so it was taken as serious. Since my lobotomy (upon
entering the ranks of driver) I have joined the ranks of Neanderthals
(as Jane calls them) so I know nothing of tact and reading between the
