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Re: [NSW] Ads on sides of Tangaras

Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> said:

>Again, it comes down to suitability for purpose. Would you like to be in
>a Tait for three hours all the way to Newcastle or Lithgow? Probably
>not, no matter how much you like those cars.

I could sit in a tait from Melbourne to Sydney, if that's what I was 
offered. The first class seats, found in the T cars are even more 
comfortable still. I've been on a number of all-day fan trips in these Tait 
cars, and would say that they are a more comfortable ride than the V set. 
When you get to your destination, while you are sitting slide the door 
open, stand up and walk out. I summer leave the door open for fresh air.

>In terms of practicality for their use, MNSHO is that the V-sets (the
>greatest train in Australia, btw) win.

A Tait would do a better job. Anyway, other than the Taits, yes, the V sets 
are my next favourite EMU.



Michael Kurkowski. / Email: mailto:mk@netstra.com.au
Rail Enthusiast.  / Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
Train Chaser.    / Telephone: 0416-044-124
HO Modeller.    / ICQ: T333 or 1459118 - Yahoo Pager: VR_T333