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Re: [NSW] Automated "Stand clear, doors closing"

Hugh McGuinness wrote:
> Proof, please.  If the trains all ran on time this would be easy.  OK,
> it's not a perfect system so this will go out of whack but I would
> think a reasonable proportion of the abuse guards get is due just to
> this.  I can be up to 30 minutes late for work because of a 10 second
> gap like this (I catch a train, then another train, then a bus to get
> from Canterbury to Chatswood) and it's incredibly annoying.

Ok well you said it one "If the trains all ran on time this would be
easy" well they don't so that your first  bit of proof eg the city
circle train has run 5 min late, N/shore trains in the peak supposedly
run every 3 min if you believe the BS Cityrail put out. So theoretically
the train on 16 will, if it is the connection, block 2 - 3 trains. In
the mean time the platform will be overcrowded. Baring in mind once you
put connections in you have to stick with them.
Second senario "trains are late and out of timetable order" How do you
put a connection with this. Once again advertised connections have to

Ok thats the late bit done now the on time bit:
2 trains on the platform opening the doors at the "same time" because
they are connections will combined with people comming from the entrance
will cause gridlock. No one will be able to move, there is just too many
people. Then people will either miss their train or the train won't move
because people will get stuck getting on/off.
When I was a guard we sometimes got it wrong and opened the doors at the
same time and that was the result.
By having the trains staggered it allows people to get off the platform
in time for the next batch.

> And while I'm at it.....  what exactly is the law regarding smokers on
> the platofrms?  It looks like the drivers waiting at the north end of
> platforms 16/17 have been stopped from smoking; there is a sign
> telling 'staff and visitors' that smoking is not allowed.  Does this
> cover passengers?  Smoking seems to be explicitly banned from the
> underground stations (but it's never enforced, except for an
> announcement once in a blue moon).  Surely it would be easy enough to
> run an automated message every 90 seconds (say).
Basicly if you if you are in the "payed" area, which I think is a
stupid  term and I wish they would change it, you can't smoke, also
basicly if you have something over your head (shelter) you can't smoke.
The old act used to say that you could not smoke anywhere unless there
is a sign or other device saying you can smoke. I don't know if it has

> rant diminishing.... must take little green pills...

Its good to rant otherwise you will explode!


> hugh