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Re: [NSW] Observations this morning: 24/3/2000

eikkert@my-deja.com wrote:

> I've noticed that the evening peak services in the illawarra has had a
> couple of trains run with 4 cars lately when previously there were none
> (other than South Coast). I can only hope they're put on all stops
> services otherwise the crowds would cascade onto following trains etc
> As for the signalling not being able to handle extra trains, I think
> this is true. The North Shore is pretty much at capacity, the Illawarra
> *may* be able to fit another train in every half hour or so (yup and my
> pet pig's rearing to fly any day now!). IMHO the infastructures simply
> not there to handle extra trains.

It is, as long as the timetables are written to cope with it.  For example, if
you had a very fast Cronulla behind the Coastie, you would be able to queeze in
another 4 trains an hour easily (if we had the rollingstock).  Unfortunately,
all the politicians demanding that all trains stop in their electorate have
slowed the trains down so much that extra trains won't fit.   We need to go back
to the old Cronulla stops - All Sutherland, Oatley, Mortdale, Penshurst,
Redfern  and All Jannali, Hurstville, Sydenham, Redfern.  Only if this is done
will more trains be able to run.  This action would probably also relieve
overcrowding on South Coast trains from Hurstville and Sutherland who are sick
of all stations trains.

David Johnson
These comments are made in a private
capacity and do not represent the
official view of State Rail.
C.O.W.S. Page 11.