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[VIC] Steamrail tours are no longer railfan tours. (was: New Steamrail HEADBOARD [Vic.])

Michael Kurkowski wrote:

> I agree there. Railfan trips are exactly that, trips for railfans. Railfans
> don't want to see ugly propaganda, and since it's a captive market, it
> doesn't do much anyway. If anything, it drives railfans away.

Unfortunately the management at Steamrail seems to think that railfan trips are
no longer profitable. The last time they ran a railfan tour without any
compromises was in 1998. Since then all their trips have compromised between
railfans and the general public. I also think this is why Steamrail is using
the steel cars instead of the wooden ones. They are trying to get to the
destination ASAP so they can go on some sort of cruise or go to some
resturaunt. On day trips Steamrail has gone for high speed tours. Weekenders
have gone to the other extreme. Take a look at the upcoming Robinvale tour.
There is no overnight travelling and they stop at just about every town for
sightseeing. Even if this was on a different date I wouldn't bother going on
this tour after seeing their proposed schedule. In addition to all this, the
extra day's caused by Steamrail's exremely relaxed schedule puts the price up
to an unaffordable level for most people. I find it hard to believe that
weekenders like the Panitya and Kulwin tours in 1998 are no longer viable.
These were sold out and this was only two years ago! They were also more
convenient for people like me as they fitted into a normal weekend.

- James Brook -

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