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Re: throwing out perfectly good trains and trams

> > Replacing aging Tait trains with Harris trains and Harris with
> > did nothing to halt declining postwar patronage.
> How do you know what impact it had on patronage?  There is evidence
> aform many system around the world to indicate that the rate of
> systemic decline is arrested by improved rolling stock.

Because patronage continued in free fall throughout the 1970's despite
the new rolling stock.

it was arrested in the early 80's mainly by the multimodal ticketing
system. Its a matter of observation and deduction.

Perhaps you can produce some of this evidence?

> Again, there is a lot evidence from around the world to show that
> vehicle age is a HIGH choice factor issue.

Perhaps you can produce some of this evidence?
Comfort is an issue and granted there may be some correlation between
comfort and age. Refurbishments and so on can address this, though. I
find the W class trams more comfortable than the Z's, especially in


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