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Re: aus.rail is sh*t

"Michael Kurkowski" <mk@netstra.com.au> wrote in message
> Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> said:
> >The only problem with egroups (and as the owner of two lists there, I
> >have suggested they change it, but they won't) is that you need to be a
> >subscriber in order to ask questions. Some people don't want to
> >subscribe because they don't want a stack of email every day that they
> >will never read.
> I have my mobile phone subscribed to a number of egroups mailing lists,
> including Ausloco, simply for the ability to post as required. All you
> to do is set the list to "Web only/no messages". I'm surprised this is
> something that you don't already know.

True, I had forgotten about this, particularly since I am generally subbed
to all the lists under all of my emails (particualrly my Yahoo! AU account,
so I can post whilst away). The only difficulty I can see (and it is not a
huge drama) is that you would then need to start going into the website to
check for possible replies.

> Take a look at your subscriber list sometime, there's surely at least one
> or two people with this option set. Daily Digest is also another option.

On both lists, there are at least five addresses all set to "Web only/no
messages" - and they are all mine. Daily Digest can be a pain though, as it
doesn't handle HTML all that well (not that people should be using HTML for
email, but that is another issue).
