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Re: VFT Sydney - Canberra

Dave Proctor (daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au) wrote:
> "chris" <chris@enet21.com.au> wrote in message
> news:395DF3AC.122C6C78@enet21.com.au...
> > I think the VFT backers wanted at least 3 billion in tax concessions plus
> > some sort of land deal. But the federal govt won't cough up.

> Tax concessions, as opposed to contributions. There is a difference.

> It is the same as me giving you $100 and wanting $50 back, or giving you
> nothing, and you choosing to be given nothing because you don't want to give
> me $50 back. You are still $50 worse off.

In this case, it's like asking the government for $100 and giving $700
back over the next 30 years. The problem is that politicians can't see
beyond the next election.

On the subject of land deals, think about the amount of land required for
Badgery's Creek which would be paid for in full by the taxpayer. It would
not be a tax concession, it would be an outright purchase. If you cut that
land up into 15m wide strips and set them out end to end, you'd end up
with 500km of high speed railway.
