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Re: Bad attitude

"Garry Hoddinett" <hoddos@netspace.net.au> wrote in message
> I was waiting for a train at North Sydney Station yesterday and trains
> running late and possibly out of order.  The station indicator stated that
> the next train was a St Leonards, Chatswood all to Berowra service but
> the train came it's indicator proclaimed Hornsby.  I asked the driver were
> he was going to and he replied "all to Chatswood, Gordon and all to
> Hornsby".  I pointed out to him that this was not what the station
> indicators are saying and could he let his passengers know (either
> or through the guard or via the station staff).  "Not my job, not my
> problem - its the guards job" was his reply.  So CityRail's customers can
> inconvenienced by a mistake when the driver had an opportunity to rectify
> it - great customer service!  As someone said to me later its attitudes
> that that give an organization a bad name.  Fortunately the guard was up
> her job and notified the trains passengers.

He is exactly right- that is what the Guard is there for and as you have
said yourself, the Guard was up to her job and did what she was supposed to
Are you one of  those people that when a mistake is made want to make a
mountain out of a molehill and jump down the nearest Cityrail employee's
throat? I can see it now, as soon as the mistake was made, there you were
straight into the Driver's face whinging. Meanwhile, the Guard, a few cars
away, was taking steps to inform the Station Staff of their error (for
goodness sakes, they are only human!) and then informing her passengers the
correct destination of her train. Sounds as though everything was under
control to me.