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Re: Deary deary me ...

John Dennis wrote:

> Although to be fair to those beside the line to Fisherman Island, when
> they moved into that area there was basically only suburban trains.  Now
> there are long, heavy goods trains which are slower and noisier.

How long has the line been out to the Port now - fifteen years, or

> I think the complaints are not about the previous trains, just about
> these (relatively) newly introduced goods trains.

I dunno - thirty years ago, they would have been experiencing AC16's
with rakes of clanking, squeaking four-wheel coal hoppers for the Gibson
Island power station. It's a railway line, of the nature of railway

I don't think increased length/weight/frequency of the trains is the
issue here - I suspect it's more to do with the continuously welded rail
and concrete sleepers.

> Still much better than hundreds of trucks running every 30 seconds along
> your street, I think.

Of course.

Still, the cynical side of me suspects that these are the same people
who have such civic pride in the quality of their garden that they are
compelled to mow their lawns at 6:30 in the morning. They probably leave
old soft-drink bottles filled with water lying around to keep dogs from
soiling their nature strips, as well.

> JD
> John Dennis

Robert Kearey		Remote Access Group
ITS			University of Queensland
My poor Krell!		I don't speak for my employer