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Re: New Melbourne trams have fewer seats than the old ones but they're longer!

Exile on Market Street wrote:
> In article <39A2489A.361F@iprolink.co.nz>, David McLoughlin
> <davemclNOSPAM@iprolink.co.nz> wrote:
> > I have never promoted any such thing, I have merely observed the irony
> > of how the US goes out of its way to prevent the importation of many
> > fine unsubsidised NZ products into the US but insists other countries
> > including NZ allow absolutely free access for subsidised and protected
> > US goods.
> Now that is a valid -- and interesting -- point.
> I guess that there is no US kiwifruit growers' lobby to offend, whereas
> OTOH, the cattle ranchers would, er, have a cow if we allowed too much
> foreign beef in.  

The US Government right now has sanctions, quotas and tarrifs against
the import of unsubsidised NZ lamb following protests from the heavily
subsidised US lamb farmers whose products are fatty and tasteless while
NZ lamb is lean and yummy.

There is now a kiwifruit industry in California (which got vines from
NZ) and Californian kiwifruit comes to NZ now in our off-season
(remember the seasons are reversed between our countries) and it is only
a matter of time before the Californian kiwifruit growers get the US
government to ban the import of NZ kiwifruit.

David McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand