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RE: From Patrick RE: AusLoco

Aus loco discussion mailing list

I'd like to join the majority of subscribers in thanking Patrick for all
of his hard work in setting up and carrying the group through its
"teething stage".  It's wonderful news that the group is to continue -
great to be able to stay in immediate touch with what is happening
around the country, instead of finding out a month or more after the
As one who is often / mostly guilty of the "Digest" style postings
Patrick alludes to, I'd appreciate hearing some feedback from other
subscribers: are my postings appropriate, or should I "pull my head in",
and limit them to unusual workings?  emails directly to me, please, so
we don't clutter the group.
Anyway, thanks again, Patrick, on an excellent job, and best wishes for
your future endeavours.


Patrick wrote:

When you start losing these guys, because of the innapropriate Postings
the value of the 'List becomes questionable. Especially, when you can
these at your leasure later, in Digest. (Sorry Scott, shameless plug !!)

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