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Re: MORON!!!! (was: Great rail pics - sample attached)

Those without respect for other users ... don't follow the 'rules'.

Thankfully most of the people in NGs do care, and do adhere to the charter.

Those groups you read with the "99% Spam" get that way because the group doesn't
police itself. Some groups have even gone to moderated posts!

Stephen@Nospam.here.co.uk sharpened a pencil and wrote:

~Oh come on...........Since when did people follow the rules in
~I have read some which are 99% spam.
~On Tue, 28 Sep 1999 18:45:10 GMT, Brian Paul Ehni <behni@home.com>
~>It's NOT censorship; binaries are only supposed to be posted to biunary
~>that's what they are there for!