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Re: MORON!!!! (was: Great rail pics - sample attached)

It's about as much censorship as a club's by-laws.

There's a mutual understanding that IF you chose to come to a newsgroup, you'll
abide by the charter and conditions of the group.

In general, here's a source for the broad set of guidelines. From there you
should read the FAQ and charter for each group before you inject your claims of 


Frankly, I prefer a newservice that adheres to the charters of the various
groups. Eg: cancelling out SPAM and binaries where they don't belong.

BUT ... IF you object to 'censorship' in any form, let me know, and I'll show
you how to get your email addy on all the promotion lists so that you can enjoy
totally uncensored bulk mailings. <G>

Just to be clear ... NO, I won't DO it, that too is inappropriate behaviour,
I'll just tell you how.

BTW - right after this 'one' error, another gent has popped up on some of the
groups with ... "Hope this is OK ..." and another binary!

DrPepper@iwvisp.com sharpened a pencil and wrote:

~That sounds suspiciously like censorship to me. . . . . 
~I think I would get another server, if it were me.
~Of course, if you like others to decide what you should 
~or should not see, then  I guess that's OK.
~Ron C.
~- - - -
~On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:21:45 +0100, Mick <mickel@mcmail.com> wrote:
~>chessie wrote:
~>> I believe the problem is that he posted binaries to non-binaries groups.
~>> causes a big problem for some people. 
~>My ISP zaps any binaries posted to a non-binary group so I never get to
~>download or see them.  Only drawback is that any words of wisdom get
~>zapped along with the binary.
~>Mick.     !
~>         /¯\    
~>        {Õ¿Õ}  
~> ¯¯¯|¯"¯|¯¯¯|¯"¯|¯¯¯