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Re: Victorian election

Dave McL wrote:
> Christopher_Martin GORDON wrote:
> > Kennett beat himself, it was all his fault.  He said is was the public's
> > fault and blamed us for his loss.  What does he think we did on Saturday,
> > we got rid of him.
> Did you? In favour of whom?
> Seriously, there was no publicity over here about the Vic state
> election, probably because our media is maxing out on East Timor.
> So who won the elections? What are the seat counts for each party? And
> how does it affect my trams? Especially the extention of the Mont Albert
> line to my old home town, Box Hill?
> David McLoughlin
> Auckland New Zealand

Its not clear who has won - probably a hung Parliament.  Two or three
independents - Mildura and Wonthaggi-ish both returned, possibly also East
Gippsland and Swan Hill (Carl Ditterich - remember him at St Kilda). 
By-election in Frankston East in 4 weeks will probably determine result -
currently a Lib independent defector held the electorate, but would fall to ALP
is statewide swing held up in by-election.

ALP transport policies a bit blurry as for impact on Tram Extensions - but they
did say they'd extend the 75 to Knox, triplicate the Ringwood rail line (partly)
and force the operators to run more express trains.  Apart from that - buggered
if I know, transport was a non-issue.