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Re: Re Strategic Reserve.

Philip J. Kuhl <pjkuhl@erols.com> wrote in message
> John Garrison wrote:  "Virginian here! Are we not 50 sovreign [sic]
> I fear not since 1865.  I believe it was the historian Shelby Foote who
> noted that prior to the Civil War, American English usage was "The United
> States *are* ..." whereas after the War it changed to "The United States
> *is* ..." i.e., from plural to singular.  Despite the many differences
> and cultural between the states, the Civil War made it clear that the
> are not sovereign and that the Federal government has primacy.
> Philip J. Kuhl
> Arlington 4, Virginia
> PJKuhl@erols.com

That's what the communist liberals would like us to believe. But alas in the
Old Dominion we count ourselves SOVREIGN. We are a memeber State of the US
only because it benefits us to be so. By the Virginina Constitution and
indeed supported by the US Constitution; laws of this Commonwealth take
precedence over Federal law except where Federal law is reserved or more
restrictive. The Federal Government exists only because the several States
permit it. I hope that your nearness to DC has not made this mindset too far
from you. We will never despite the lack of ability to secede allow the
Federal government to enact laws which do not apply equally to all states. A
law that applies only in Virginia, can only be enacted by Virginia. Trivia:
Laws of the Crown of England that were legal when enacted still apply in
Virginia, except where they are specifically rewritten. The Supreme Court of
VA affirmed this several years ago. If I seem like a foamer on the idea
Sovreignty, well, I am guilty as charged. Thank God for the freedom of
discourse that we enjoy in these States.