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Re: [Newsgroup] some measures of courtesy

I'd do it, but there's a sort of lack of motivation. Also we need to
address the bandwidth issues. Adding such characters can add up to about,
umm, 100kb, if that, of extra bandwidth used each day, which in Telstra
terms, amounts to a charge of what, about 1.9 cents per day? Might break
some of our banks :-) Then taking into consideration the bandwidth, it's
then an issue if anyone else can really be bothered either, then
relevance, since we all know that everything happens in Melbourne, except
of course the olympics :-) 

Michael :)

[NB: The above comments are meant sarcastically only. This warning should
prevent most flames from occuring against me. A suggestion in another
newsgroup, for a usenet halloween party, was to go dressed in an orange
suit, with a troll-doll necklace :o)] 

Hubert said on 28-Oct-1999 in <7v900k$n92$1@news1.mpx.com.au>:

>let's say this newsgroup uses some form of courtesy from now just to
>make life easier for all of us.
>In the subject field, please insert a [ ] (square brackets). inside
>would include the State/Territory that the body of the post will be
>related to, then the normal subject.

Michael Kurkowski
Ph: 0416-044-124
Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk

"The cheque's in the mail..."