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Re: Hornsby Yard

David Johnson wrote:
> Railway Rasputin wrote:
> Worked through there tonight (Woohoo! I'm qualified again!)  5 minute delay on the
> down going to Berowra.   3 minute delay on the up.  As I was already 15 late on
> the down, a delay slip was a non event, and a bit of good guarding on the up got
> us back on time. ;-)
> --
> David Johnson

Why is it that trains are late all day while you work them but when you
have to go pass home it is always on time and you have to get the next

Speaking of running late there is a 10kph speed restriction on the
viaduct at Minto (with a silent T) which is causing a bit of havoc on
City bound trains. (broken rail)
