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Re: Michael's Gunzel Cam updated.


Or if you use a real news reader like I do, any email address (without 
mailto: added) can be double clicked, any url without the http:// can be 
double clicked, and it even allows me to rewrite headers, cancel (own) 
messages and do lots of other cool things. 

It's fast loading, not hungry on system resources, allows you to reformat 
any reply messages that exceed 76 columns wide by the press of a button, 
and automagially formats your own message to max. 76 columns. The features 
are countless, and actually relate to usenet, rather than web like most 
other newsreaders tend to aim for (okay, the major two, Outlook Express and 

Anyways, im not here to try and convert anyone, just thought i'd let ya 
know :) It's called Xnews and can be d/l from http://xnews.3dnews.net

ObGunzel: Today at Kensington was P19 with 13 VHGF's in tow. I have noticed 
that the locos there are always #1 end facing north, these days. Is it just 
co-incidence, or do they actually bother turning the loco before it does 


James Brook said on 12-Oct-1999 in <3802F12D.12C18381@ozemail.com.au>:

>    If you put http:// before the URL Netscape (and I assume outlook or
>whatever you use) creates a link out of it. It just makes it a little
>bit easier than cutting and pasting the link into the goto box in
>Netscape or IE.