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Re: Australian Railway Digest (was NSW Railway Digest)

John Kerley <deaftech@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message

> As a Victorian I can understand your feelings, but as an Australian I
> welcome the change.
> Why don't  you do what a group of Victorians did a few years back
> about 10 I think)  when disatisfied with the ARHS Vic Div journal, (albiet
> for different reasons), and set up a "Rail News NSW".
Now there's an idea, and Rail News NSW can then sensibly ignore all these
interloping "foreign" locos like DL's and EL's that can't keep to their
State of origin!

I can't help wonder how they'll report NSW locos that have ventured beyond
the sacred border, like the ones at Port Augusta.  Presumably if they stay
away long enough, Loco & Traffic notes will sadly conclude that they've been
scrapped. :-)



(RD contributor, and not parochial enough to think the system ends at Broken
Hill and Albury)