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Re: VR Staff & Ticket and Pilot Working

jdennis@acslink.net.au wrote:

> Another similar oddity was in Tasmania, where the staff operations on
> the North-West were "suspended" on Sundays allowing a single train to
> run without manning stations.  I cannot remember the details, but will
> check out my WTT (mid 60s, IIRC) when I get home.

The electric staff system was suspended, not just at weekends but during the
nights as well, and trains ran over long distances on a "Proceed Order".
Proceed was pronounced as "Pro Seed" two words not one.

During a tour of Tasmania in early 1974, a friend and I travelled ex
Smithton on the Mon only goods on staff working to Ulverstone where we
crossed a down empty log train for Wiltshire Junction. He departed on a
Proceed Order reading "Proceed to Wiltshire Junction" It also has
instructions about the temporary suspension of the electric staff system.
Perhaps someone can post the instructions.
