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Re: gunzel?

On Fri, 14 May 1999 10:24:05 +1000, sthyer@anatomy.unimelb.edu.au
(Stuart Thyer) wrote:

>In article <373AFF65.208A8152@ozemail.com.au>, trainman@ozemail.com.au wrote:
>> Derick Wuen wrote:
>> > Newbie to group seeks info on etymology and usage of term gunzel.
>> For your next term, why not ask about the humble "Hogaphone"?
>Too easy, the use of the humble battery operated megaphone by one (late)
>Eldon Hogan over more years than your average gunzel can even remember to
>announce all manners of things relevant and irrelevant while on tours
>around Victoria.

Ah yes, remember it well.  But not just on fan trips.  I remember once
travelling by special train to attend school athletic sports at
Olympic Park.  I was very surprised to hear the Hogaphone in action as
we filed down the ramp and out towards Swan Street.  He must have
taken it upon himself to assist in crowd control - and no, this was
nothing to do with APS/AGS, this was simply divisional High School
>He wielded it with such skill??  eloquence??  authority??  too damn
>often??  that his hand was rarely seen without it.
>Even today, the Hogaphone is the commonly used word around Steamrail for
>describing the megaphone.

John Dennis                         jdennis@acslink.net.au
Melbourne                                  denjo02@cai.com
Australia                   Home of the Dutton Bay Tramway
DBT URL:       http://www.acslink.net.au/~jdennis/dbt.html