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Re: The Federal Budget - Rail forgotten?? by its own Industry??

In article <374ce97a.3737023@news.ozemail.com.au> telljb@ozemail.com.au (< Tell >) writes:
>From: telljb@ozemail.com.au (< Tell >)
>Subject: Re: The Federal Budget -  Rail forgotten??  by its own Industry??
>Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 03:26:54 GMT

>"Peter Ruxton" <rucko@bigpond.com> wrote:
>>What was one Nation in the early 90s it was Fedral Funding

>It was a ONCE ONLY funding, it was all tied in with
>Keatings One Nation policy based on the Hillmer report
>which saw such an upheaval in the Power, Communications
>and Rail area's.

>----Terry Burton

Its also worth considering exactly what did "One Nation" actually achieve, ie 
what can rail do now that it couldnt do prior to one Nation .
Not much really .
Whllst we can now run STD guage trains from Melb to Adelaide instead of BG 
trains , we are still running the same trains , with the exception of the Ghan 
.Some people will argue that its now possible to send trains directly from 
Melb to Perth without bogie exchanging in Adelaide .
Well it always has been possible to send SG trains from Melb to Perth without 
bogie exchanging in Adelaide , via Coota - Parkes & Broken Hill.
Its just never been done on a regular basis.
Obviously the One Nation project was better than no rail expenditure at 
all,you have to wonder about the priorities and the value obtained for the 
money that was spent.