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Re: Victorian Closed Stations near Melbourne.

David Langley <del@ancc.com.au> wrote:

>A recent discussion regarding Melbourne's second grade stations prompted
>someone to ask for a list of stations located within 100 km of
>Melbourne, but not on closed lines, that have been closed. This list is
>based on a list of names supplied by Krel (I think). I have added others
>I could think of and I think the following is a complete list of all
>stations that have closed:-

Ballarat line

You might add the following, which had platforms, or at least showed
passengers "in" and "out" in the Annual Reports

>Ardeer (1st). August 1956.
Staughton 1954 (?)
>Parwan,  3 August 1986
Bacchus Marsh Racecourse 1891 (?)
>Rowsley,  16 July 1956
>Ingliston, 7 April 1963
>Bradshaw,  21 November 1955
>Llandeilo,  2 November 1953
>Gordon,  29 March 1985
>Millbrook,  7 October 1969

Closed sidings here were many, but what does anybody know of Leather
Products Siding (or some very similar name) between Sunshine and
Ardeer, exact mileage unknown, open at least 1930 - 1934?  It appears
in the Traffic Returns, but I've never seen it anywhere else.