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Re: Brisbane Light Rail,Briztram - questions

In article <36e27908.18863150@bri-news.tpg.com.au>,
  qldspeed-spamisevil@geocities.com (qldspeed) wrote:
> This should debunk the light rail myth... (and a whole lot more)
> http://www.publicpurpose.com/ut-mspsp.htm
> http://www.demographia.com/d-amerdr.htm
> http://www.publicpurpose.com/pn-rail.htm

No, what's said on those sites *is* the light rail myth. They are generally
pro- automobile ultra right wing think tanks that have light rail in their
sights because it has been so successful at attracting people onto public
transport. They like to peddle all sorts of alternatives to light rail, such
as monorails and Personal Rapid Transit, because these modes have much lower
proven success rates.


Sydney (Australia)

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