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Re: Latest from the NSW rumour mill

>> Rod
>That's true, but if FreightCorp (FreightCorp, TABCorp, ECorp, my God, were
>being overtaken by Corp's) was to be sold, tracks and all (as Maurie
>suggets), all the intrastate/regional operators could be lost. What is to
>stop the new owner thinking maintenance is more important on their chosen
>routes and no others??
>Ben Staples

Yes I  know the words "trust" and "Government" are ideas only used  together
in places like the Melbourne Club!
[that is a place where  millionaires and Royalty hang out]
But dare I trust that the assetts of the state i.e. the Railway would be
protected by Legislation and that [like in Victoria] heavy fines would be in
place if the contract was breached!
Victrack access can be arbitrated.