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Re: Melbourne route 70 tram

Don Galt wrote:

> No other city in the world, I'm betting, has ever had a tram terminus called
> "Batman Avenue." I loved it when I first read of it as a boy decades ago -
> had no idea then what or who a batman was except for you know whom. 
As a boy growing up in Melbourne in the 60s and 70s, I loved it, too. I
always thought it referred to you know who as well. And in the Bulletin,
a weekly news magazine, there was a column called Batman's Melbourne,
written not by the caped crusader but by Keith Dunstan, a prominent
daily columnist in The Sun. It was a long time before I found out who
*the* Batman really was. 

> merger of Hawthorn and (East) Burwood met my stern disapproval, and I am
> totally bummed out to discover that Batman Avenue has lost its one remaining
> service.

Batman Ave is being closed and turned into some kind of park. The new
road the No 70 diversion travels along between Swan Street and
Exhibition Street has been named Batman Ave, so there will still be
trams along a Batman Ave, though alas it disappears as a terminus.

BTW, the Batman Ave tram terminus was called "City-Princes Bridge" on
the tram destination signs.

David McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand