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Re: V/Line pass - a great service (Was: V/Line Pass Worst Service in Australia)

swaggy wrote:

> No i do not own any of the following that you stated. Try travelling during
> peak hours and standing on stations and see what you think. Of course V/Line
> Pass are going to look after the Geelong line as it has one of its largest
> commuters but try travelling on some of the others. And no i have never
> worked for the railways and who would want to with the attitudes of its
> management the sooner some of them get the privatised life of having to work
> for their money instead of being under the government's umberella then they
> will see what real life is about.

ANd how many Different rail systems can you vbbase your judgment on. I have
worked with goverment and private operators and have seen what they have to put
up with.

I have since moved from Sydney to Melbourne and I find that getting places down
here on the trains is actually alot better then Sydney...

I would mUch rather travel in pilgram class (2nd) on a V/line train then on the
xpt any day. I have never had problems on v/line that come close to countrylink.

I have only ever had one train the was majorly late. This was inot Albury and
this was because of a WOLO. and the XPT was three times later then us.

If you want to see late trains, catch the Melbourne XPT.

I have also been on an Albury train that got delayed at north Melbounre do to a
interlocking failure which involved us waiting for the points to be inspected
that they where closed and then we where still on time into Albury.

The other point is. Atleast Victoria has these services, look at NSW, the only
reason why some are running is so the pollies can bride us voters into letting
them stay.