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Re: Dorrigo

rodjg wrote...

<<I think what Bill Bolton is too polite to say is that it is pointless
carrying on a sensible discourse with persons who appear to think Jones
walks on water and will not see the real situation.>>

And what is the real situation? In your previous post you claimed you had
"knowledge", but have so far refused to share it with us. It is rather hard
having a sensible discussion when all you can come up with is vague
statements, which you are not prepared to substantiate.

<<I would hope that before the State Government hands over anything a full
audit investigation into all aspects of Dorrigo is conducted by someone
nominated by either the 2  Australian Professional Accounting Groups (CPA or

Why? What do you beleive is wrong with the DSRM financials? Some years ago
there were investigations by every government agency imaginable. They found
nothing wrong.
