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Re: Flat locomotive batteries question

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999 08:33:26 GMT, chester@chariot.net.au (Chester)

>I was just wondering how common was it for locomotives in Austraila to
>be disabled by having a flat battery.  What are the usual causes of a
>flat battery (yes I know leaving something on, but what is normaly
>left on) and is it more common here in Australia or overseas.
It is relatively common (ie not rare). Usually the result of shutting
the loco down but not pulling the battery knife switch. The resultant
drain of any lights or commsleft on flttens the battery.
NR class (& NRs 81s) have a jumper cable on board and can be
jump-charged fairly easily. A few minutes connected to another running
NR and away you go.



Just another eccentric crank.