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Re: [VIC] R766 and R711 Ballarat tour.

Michael Kurkowski wrote:

> As far as other things thorough the day went, I discovered that modern
> Pentax cameras really are stronger than they look, as I took one giant leap
> for man and landed camera first into the ground, at one of the photostops.
> Moral, any SLR owner should get themself a UV filter to protect their lens.
> I did and it saved my day :-)

UV filters have saved my lenses plenty of times! I highly recommend them as

> Finally, did anyone notice the lack of a certain motormouth today?

It was good without motormouth and all his <sarcasm> knowledge about railways!
</sarcasm> :-)

> (Wouldn't those two be flattered about this aus.rail idolisation). I did
> notice the previously mentioned crossdresser standing the in the buffet
> car. I really did not believe it until I saw it!

Was this guy sitting on platform 1 at Ballarat just before the Parallel run?

> RRL was also noticed
> taking a swipe at a poor defenseless kid on the platform at Ballarat this
> afternoon, it's a pity the kid's parents weren't in the vicinity to witness
> this, and punish RRL accordingly.

I was in AK500 and some kid in the next compartment started spitting out the
window during the first shuttle. Fortunately the piece of spit missed me, but I
don't know if it hit anyone down further. I went into their compartment to
complain about him and his grandparents told me I was full of s--t and that
those kids would never do anything like that. Luckily the kid got the message
and stopped doing it!

> It was a great day, but, there should have been some photostops scheduled
> on the return journey. Not all rail transport conoisseurs are steam ones :)

I agree, I like diesels as well. We should have had at least one photostop.

> and... R.I.P. R766

I think they should classify them R2 711 and R2 766. <g!>

- James Brook -

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