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Re: PHAs PHNs and Carriage codes (was: new XPT cars order)

In article <385B4026.6FB4BB9@fastlink.com.au> "The Railway Rasputin." <bob@fastlink.com.au> writes:
>From: "The Railway Rasputin." <bob@fastlink.com.au>
>Subject: Re: PHAs PHNs and Carriage codes (was: new XPT cars order)
>Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 19:04:54 +1100

>James Brook wrote:

>> As I'm from down south in Victoria could someone clear something up
>> here. Are the PHN's the powervans originally built for the Southern
>> Aurora and the PHA's were built later? I hate NSW codes anyway. I think
>> the Victorian system is one of the easiest to work out:

>Ok this is the type of thing I'm talking about.
>PHN's were the origional ones on the stainless steel sleeper trains.
>They had the panneling the same as the sleeper. The Crew compartment was
>not Air conditioned.
>The PHA's were brought in because the PHN's were breaking down and
>apparantly David Hill got the shit with them and ordered brand new PHA's
>with brand new everything included A/C in the crew cab. The paneling is
>the same as used in the XPT/Xplorer and surburban C and K sets. 

>As far as the NSW codes no problem they so a similar job

>P = power van
>H = Guards compartment with HAND Brake
>N = Non A/C (I think)
>A = A/C
>C = Composite car first and second
>F = Second class (Why I don't know)
>B = First class.

>Thats why I can understand how a certian group has a first class FS or
>was it a second class BS car but that another story. :-)
>There are more but  I gotta go

NSW codes are easy to understand. First and second codes identify the class 
and variations (H for guard, P power etc) and the last identifys the design of 
the car. An example would be HFN which is a second class N type car with 
guards compartment.

Dave Malcolm