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Rod "speaks" again. was > Re: SAW/ASW - was Re: Computer Question - DTC

"Rod" <comtrain@mpx.com.au> wrote in reply to Tell who
said the following:

>> Oh dear, another bad day up in the cab mate.

>> How long have you been driving trains Rod.?

Said Rod in a reply:

> Listen Fuckwit I believe their is a video getting around with your mate
> Little Johnnie taking it up the rear! There is a Q formed and waiting in it
> is your mate  Murdoch,and one of the Packers.
> I will try to arrange a copy be sent to you.
> What is your problem? You tell us you are a Train driver and you act like
> your conditions were handed to you on a silver plate! Mate I fought for
> what I had 10 years ago, and I watch it going down the drain, as gutless
> wonders like you are too stupid to fight for what is rightfully ours!
> So do me a favour , go play in front of a train
> Rod

Tell's reply:
Your usual foul mouthed remarks on fellow unionists
belongs to the 50's and 60's bully-boy shop steward
mentality that did more harm than good to unions.  
I wont even bother with your opening remarks.

No wrong, I am not a train driver, but for the last 16
years an engine driver, and yes I have worked on and in
conjunction with railways going back to the sixties.  
I have been in the workforce for 44 years and I am
still a union member.  
I remember what happened to the AFULE just like one of
my old unions "The Federated Engine Drivers & Firemans
Association" (FEDFA) and other smaller unions, it is
obvious you have forgotten.

They were part of the Hawke/Keating/Kelty/Creane
amalgamation process to reduce the number of unions.
We were also subject to the Hawke/Keating/ACTU "wages
accord" which held back real wages for years just to
make Labor look good, they even bragged about it.  

If you think the AFULE would have prevented the recent
spate of rail accidents and Kennett/Howard & Co are
some way responsible, you need your head read, mate.!

There are not too many who like the present bunch of
politicians with their slash and burn policies.
We also do not like the way reforms in key industries
such as Communications, Power and Rail which were
started by the previous Labor regime are being carried
out either, but we try and get on with living.     

Have a happy day.

----Terry Burton
Alice Springs NT