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Ross (Goldie) Goldspink wrote:
> Or a little "greencap" capacitor (.01 mf) across the motor - should reduce
> offensive sparks at commutator.
> "David Johnson" <trainman@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> 384FB77C.5360EE24@ozemail.com.au">news:384FB77C.5360EE24@ozemail.com.au...
> > David J Branch wrote:

> > > >From NEW B!!
> > > Can some one tell how i can STOP  all my  engines interfering with
> > > my T.V set in the house as i can only run when my dear wife is gone
> > > to bed !!!!!.

	Some good advice given.

> > > Would this also interfere with next door to me ????

	It might.  It might not.
	(answers like that are common in EM (Electro magntic interference)

> > Try sticking a whopping big non polarised capacitor across the tracks.

	May not need (or want) to be too big.  If it's travelling as rf
	hash (either conducted or radiated, a small one may be dandy.
	And big ones (I'll explain if asked...8)>>) can actually be less

	Do simple things, and, if need be, keep trying more.  Look for
	a plug in mains noise suppressor, to go between the RR power
	pack and the mains.  If the TV and the rr are on the same circuit,
	try them on differnt ones.

	(Noise can travel thru the air (radiated) or thru the line
	(conducted).).  If its coming from the motor (probable) the
	advice of getting a cap on the motor is excellent.  Nearest to
	the source it can be filtered the better...  If still stuck, try
	some 'ferrites' that can clip over the wires.

	(By Coincidence, the man i learnt much EMI from learnt HIS
	while eningeering full scale trains for NS (Dutch Railways)).
	1500VDC choppers....)

dave pierson			|the facts, as accurately as i can manage,
Smart Modular Technology  	|the opinions, my own.
334 South St			|
Shrewsbury, Mass   		|pierson@mail.dec.com
"He has read everything, and, to his credit, written nothing."  A J
"Internet: net of a million lies..." 	after Vernor Vinge