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[SPAM] - [NSW] - but GOOD spam

For those who have read my posts, you will know that I am a tennis umpire.

The Starlight Foundation will be holding a fundraising event at the Olympic
Tennis Centre this Sunay (12 December) - for more information on the
Starlight Foundation, go to http://www.starlight.org.au/grown_up/whatis.html

It will be a pro-celebrity event - for more info on the event, go to
http://www.starlight.org.au/grown_up/whatis.html .

It is a great cause, and you will be helping all those kids with leukaemia,
other cancers, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, AIDS, muscular dystrophy,
spina bifida and cerebral palsy.

$25 is not a lot to pay to help a kid with a chronic or terminal illness.

For those in Sydney, I will be there (umpiring), so this will be your
opportunity to flame me (in person) for some of my posts.
