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Re: Jobs....

Steven Hurst <hurste@primus.com.au> wrote in message
> I notice that a lot of the aus.railers work for the railways in one way or
> another,  As I wish to end up also folowing the same path  (I know, Iknow,
Of late you have little chance of getting a job on the Engine, but that may
be about to change.
V/Line Freight and Pass have been seriously reducing staff for many years
First it was Guards........put them on the Engine......
Then Sunters and now it is Sgnalmen!
along the way we picked up a few Fitters & some Station Staff.
(come on Wolfe' I dare you to come on the Engine...I got 10 years of
frustration I am going to take out on you!)
All are means to an end, that is get rid of staff! I heard that all the
recent starts were signalmen, and they failed the Enginemens aptitude test!
I suspect that they will soon start taking Enginemen Trainees off the
Street, as the average age of Drivers in Victoria is supposed to be 47 .,
and I have no doubt that Marinus will turn things around, a new era of
Growth is almost upon us!
Rod :o)