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Re: Atomic Train Disaster Movie

David Bennetts <davibenn@pcug.org.au> wrote in message
> Have just been fossicking around the search engines finding out a bit more
> about this disaster of a disaster series.  Originally the drums on the
> flatcar were supposed to have been nuclear waste, but the scripts were
> re-edited to reduce this to just plain ordinary hazardous waste.  Denver
> wasn't too happy about the movie being shot elsewhere - it was cheaper to
> it in Canada, so that's where it was shot.
> The movie was scheduled to be televised in Denver when the Columbine High
> School shootings occurred - so it was pulled at the last minute, it would
> have been too catatrophic having reality mixed with fiction showing all of
> Denver being nuked.
> The movie has now been released in the US on DVD, it's been slightly
> down from 4 hours to about an hour and a half - still an hour and a half
> long IMHO.
> Regards
> David Bennetts
David I couldn't agree more, this film was far to long!!!

As a DVD owner, the fact that its available in the US only enforces the
arguement for DVD regions, at least it will keep out of Australia for a


PS. As a side issue does any one know the www address for a region crack for
a Creative 6x dxr3 DVD????